Our services

We provide orthopaedic and soft tissue surgical services at your own practice

We will come to you with all the equipment and expertise to undertake surgery. Patient care remains with you, the clients vets, but with our full support behind the scenes.

We aim to provide excellent service for the entirity of the patients care

Prices include an initial consultation free of charge on the morning of surgery. We provide full telephone/email support 24/7/365 for the entire duration of treatment. Follow up consultations are also welcomed by arrangement (an additional fee may be charged)

We have a 24 hour staffed, fully equipped practice available for referrals if preferred.

Depending on your level of overnight care, you may wish to make use of our 24 hour staffed practice at Portland Rd Vets in East Grinstead for surgery and post-operative care. If this is the case you will be kept fully informed of all treatment and ALL clients will be referred back to you for ongoing treatment unless you the practice request otherwise.